While YNAB does budgeting exceptionally well, it’s also all the app does. You Need a Budget, as its name implies, focuses on budgeting and helping you create a budget to follow throughout the month. While this may not seem like a ton of money, it might not be a good idea to spend even that much if your family is on a very tight budget, especially when you can look into free apps that work just as well. You’ll pay $6.99 a month to continue using the app after your trial period has ended. YNAB is not a free app, though you can get a free trial for 34 days. A few other reasons you might want to make the switch: If you travel frequently or use unsecured Wi-Fi often, you may be putting your banking information at risk. Unfortunately, YNAB doesn’t currently support two-factor authentication. Our Picks for the Best YNAB Alternatives.